This Sunday's Memorials
Loula Simitizes Koutroulis - 3 years
Maria Simitzes - 20 years
James Simitzes - 29 years
Panayiota (Pauline) Kallas - 23 years
The Lenten Service Schedule for the Week of March 2nd
This Friday evening, March 7th - 1st Salutations to the holy Theotokos - 6:00 pm
Wednesday morning, March 12th - The Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts - 10:00 am
Friday evening, March 14th - 2nd Salutations to the holy Theotokos - 6:00 pm
Philoptochos Decorated Icons
Commemorate a Feast Day by offering a decorated icon to be displayed in the Narthex for veneration. The suggested donation is $85 to: Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society. Call the church office at 619-297-4165 to reserve.
Icons available for decoration:
The Holy Protection of the Theotokos icon for the Salutations Services
3/16 - St. Gregory Palamas
3/17 - St. Alexios, Man of God
3/23 - Sunday of the Adoration of the Holy Cross
3/25 - The Annunciation of the Theotokos
3/30 - Sunday of St. John Climacus
March 2025 Online Shepherd Newsletter
View the online version of our newsletter here:
Our next Service Project is tomorrow, March 8th, 9:30-11am at St. Spyridon. We will be making Kids’ School Kits for International Orthodox Christian Charities. If you have an elementary school aged child, email [email protected] to get on our contact list!
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
Sunday of Orthodoxy Book Reading
This Sunday, March 9th, during Sunday School, author and comedian, Ellen Karis, will be reading her children’s book, “Special People: Godparents in the Orthodox Christian Faith.” Parishioners will have a chance to meet the author and purchase this wonderful book during Fellowship!
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
2025 Festival Cooking & Baking Schedule
Please volunteer to help us prepare the delicious food and pastries for our Greek Festival!
This Sunday, March 9th after Divine Liturgy: Prep for Pastitsio
Monday, March 10th at 9 am: Assemble Pastitsio
Sunday, April 27th after Divine Liturgy: Prep for Dolmathes
Monday, April 28th at 9 am: Assemble the Dolmathes
Sunday, May 4th after Divine Liturgy: Prep for Galaktoboureko
Monday, May 5th at 9 am: Assemble the Galaktoboureko
Monday, May 19th at 9 am: Koulourakia & Paximathia
Tuesday, May 27th at 9 am: Kourambiethes & Melomakarona
Monday, June 2nd at 9 am: Baklava
Contact Chairs for more information: Vicky Mellos 858-229-1254, Jenny Capetanakis 619-395-3315, Niki Dougenis 858-518-8096.
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
High School Sunday School Class Field Trip
This Sunday, March 9th, 1pm-3pm. Join us on a trip to the Humane Society. We will have a quick lunch after Divine Liturgy and carpool to the Humane Society. We will be taking a tour and making toys for the animals. Email Dr. Marcella to sign up for the field trip: [email protected]
Young at Heart Seniors
Please mark your calendars for our Blue and Green themed March fellowship on Tuesday, March 11th. Remember to wear something blue and/or green to celebrate Greek Independence Day and St. Patrick’s Day. Following our Lenten lunch, we’ll be entertained with music performed by Costas Kotinopoulos. If you plan to attend, please contact Cynthia Samarkos (619-582-4109) by Sunday, March 9th. And if you haven’t had a chance to attend our monthly meet-ups, we welcome you to attend and consider joining our seniors’ ministry. Annual dues are $20.
Greek Independence Day Celebration
Want an unforgettable event filled with culture, tradition, and pride, showcasing the spirit of Hellenism? Join us for our annual Greek Independence Day Celebration on Sunday, March 30th, 2025, after the Divine Liturgy, as the Greek School presents a wonderful program and luncheon to honor our students and commemorate our Greek Independence! Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for children under 12, with no sales at the door, so be sure to secure yours in advance! Get your tickets now from Christoforos Savvides at 619-709-6067 or online at Don’t miss this opportunity!
Women of the Word Bible Study
We will be meeting on Wednesday, March 12th, immediately after the Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts rather than our 12 Noon meeting time. We will have coffee and tea. You are welcome to bring a bag lunch or snack.
GOYA Service Project
March 16th, 12:30pm, 6th grade - 12th grade. Garden Boxes for St. Spyridon! GOYA will be building garden boxes on our Parish Campus and planting helpful herbs and veggies. We will have a quick lunch and then get to work! Contact Julie Dennis for more information: [email protected].
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
Parish Oratorical Festival - Students in Grades 3 - 12
Please mark your calendar for Sunday, March 16th when we will be hosting our Parish Oratorical Festival immediately after Divine Liturgy from the Solea, prior to dismissal. This event is open to St. Spyridon youth grades 3-12 and is divided into Elementary (exhibition), Junior (competition) and Senior (competition) levels. Prepare an original speech, based on topics selected by the Archdiocese who sponsors this event. All participants will receive a $20 gift certificate. Our Parish winners at the Junior and Senior levels will receive the George M. Platis Oratorical Scholarship Award, offered by Michael and Maria Platis in memory of their son George, who proudly participated in the parish Oratorical Festival. Those who advance from our parish level will compete at the regional competition and will then have a chance to advance to the Metropolis and beyond where they will qualify for more scholarships. Please see the attached flyer for information on topics, deadlines and where to register. 2025 Topics can be found here:
For more information, reach out to Parish Oratorical Festival Chairperson, Timmy Paraskevopoulos at 714-931-2431 or [email protected].
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
GOYA Palm Sunday Luncheon - Sunday, April 13th
Tickets are selling fast for the Palm Sunday Luncheon, sponsored by GOYA! Get your tickets on Sunday during Fellowship or by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer. Tickets are only $25 for Adults and $10 for Children under 12. For more information, please contact Bill Navrides at 619-992-6775 or [email protected]. Thank you for always supporting the GOYA ministry at St. Spyridon GOC!
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
Memorials for March
3/16 - Christos Greanias - 3 years
3/23 - Eleftheria Koultourides - 3 years
3/23 - Odysseas Koultourides - 11 years
3/30 - Dimetrola Mourafetis - 6 months
3/30 - Basil Mourafetis - 1 year
3/30 - Theodora Gerontakis - 2 years
3/30 - George Mourafetis - 26 years
Greek Dance and Choral School
We are on hiatus from dance practice during Great and Holy Lent. Classes will resume on Sundays after Pascha, with the first classes to be held Sunday, April 27th. Kali Sarakosti! Blessed 40 Day Lent to all!
Please support our upcoming Dance and Choral School fundraisers, including Frappe and Tost on Sunday, March 23rd during fellowship and the Pascha Picnic Fundraiser on the Sunday of Pascha, April 20th. Details forthcoming!
Little Angels Playgroup
Meets Mondays from 9:45-11:00am for parents and kids ages 40 days old to 4 years old. Text Julie Dennis to get on the email list, 619-618-5116.
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
St. Nicholas Ranch Summer Camp
If your child or teen is registered for the first week of St. Nicholas Ranch, reserve your spot on the SoCal Bus! For more information contact Bill Navrides at 619-992-6775 or [email protected] or Julie Dennis at [email protected]
See the attached flyer in the Inserts & Flyers section below.
Great and Holy Week Youth Retreats Registration Open
High School Holy Monday Retreat, April 14th 6:30pm-9:00pm, Middle School Holy Tuesday Retreat, April 15th 6:30pm-9:00pm, Preschool - 5th grade (and youth leaders) Holy Friday Retreat 9:00-3:00pm. Register on the Youth Ministries website for our Great and Holy Week Retreats.
See the attached flyers in the Inserts & Flyers section.
Church Parking Lot
We kindly ask that you please follow these parking guidelines when using the church lot:
- To ensure Emergency Vehicle access, please do not park in the exit driveway onto Indiana Street.
- Double-parking must be avoided so as to not inconvenience other parishioners.
- Please ensure that no exits are blocked and that no vehicles are blocked in.
- Please park only in marked spaces to help us maintain a smooth flow of traffic when entering and exiting the lot.
Thank you for your consideration and for helping to keep our parking area safe and accessible for all parishioners.