Sunday Church School
Our Sunday School Students and their teachers will come to receive Communion first, then proceed to their classes.
We will have our Sunday Church School Christmas Program on Sunday 12/22, while His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine will be in Tulsa.
HTGOC Exercise Class
Our HTGOC Total Body Workout Classes will NOT meet week. We will have services on Tuesday (Royal Hours for Nativity/Saint Eugenia) and Friday (Saint Stephen).
Test Messeges From HTGOC
We will be sending text messages occasionally with updates and reminders. Everyone who is in our Breeze Church Database will need to reply to confirm/opt in to receive texts. The message will look like this:
- On October 23rd, any church member you have texted in the last 30 days, will receive the following message:
- Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church … is verifying you want to receive reminders & alerts from Breeze ChMS. Reply YES to opt-in, STOP to cancel. Msg&data rates may apply. Unless you reply YES to this message you will no longer receive messages from Breeze ChMS on behalf of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ….
Paraklesis will not meet this Wednesday
We will have Paraklesis this Wednesday at 5pm. This service provides an opportunity for us to come together in prayer, primarily to the Theotokos that she intercede with her Son, our Lord, for protection and safety. You may submit names of loved ones (living) to be commemorated during the service.
Youth Ministry News
This Wednesday we will have our 2nd Annual Christmas Lights and Gathering.
Our Faith, Hope, and Joy Groups will meet at 5pm at Jenks (121st and Elm). We will drive through the neighborhood to see Christmas Lights, and end up at Father George's house for hot cocoa and a craft.
Our GOYAns will meet at Casey's (121st and Elm) in Jenks. We'll drive through the neighborhood to see Christmas Lights, and end up at Father George's house for hot cocoa and a gift exchange.
Metropolis GOYA Basketball Tournament Information and Links to Registration are available on the Metropolis GOYA Baskeball Tournament website. Registration is open until December 22. The Tournament will be in Kansas City in February (2/14-17, 2025).
HTGOC Centennial Celebration
We are looking forward to our Centennial Cleebration next year, May 2-4, 2025! Here is the Weekend Agenda from our Centennial Committee:
- Friday, Evening May 2 - Ellis Island Fish Dinner / Decades Display
~ Honor the Past
~ Reflect on our History
- Saturday Morning, May 3 - Appreciation and Gratitude Pancake Brunch
~ Appreciate the Preseent
~ Celebrater our Growth
~ Thanksgiving for God's Blessings
- Saturday Afternoon Outing Options (immediately following brunch)
*Trisagion at Rose Hill Cemetery
* Visit Tulsa Historical Society
- Saturday Evening Banquet - CELEBRATE
*Reception and Dinner/Dance at the May Hotel Crystal Ballroom
- Sunday, May 4 - Hierarchical Services, and 'Come and See' Brunch
~ Envision the Future
**Brunch after Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Centennial Registration Information and Details coming soon!
If you haven't already done so, visit the Centennial Website and sign up to recieve updates. Questions? Send us an emial
HTGOC Centennial Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are interested in purchasing a slide for the Centennial Slide Presentation, please see Rita today during Coffee Hour.
HTGOC Centennial Album
We have a few Commemorative Books available to purchase after Services, please see Karol if you'd like to get one. Also, they can be ordered directly at this link.