In our cellular phone, we insert our destination and let the Google maps guide us along the way. But when it comes to our Easter destination there are no Google maps. Christ and his church point the way to us. Christ through His Church leads us.
Great lent is a journey, a trip, towards our destination: Easter, the victory of Christ over death. The Sundays before Great Lent offer us the spiritual and material supplies that we will need to bring with us to be successful. They are: Great and deep faith in God (the Canaanite woman); humility (the repented tax collector); repentance (the repented Prodigal Son); philanthropy, almsgiving toward the needy fellowman (the Sunday of the Last Judgement).
The gospel lesson for this Sunday outlines what we need to do for our salvation: Christ Himself told us, “I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to see me.“
When the righteous wondered when did they do this for Christ, He answered them, “assuredly, I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.”
God is love. Christ summarized all the commandments in the great commandment of love: total love for God and love for our fellowman. With such love we will reach our destination. This Sunday's gospel lesson outlines the concrete steps we need to take to show our love for our fellow man. For the Christian faith is not a theory, but a way of life. Christ himself showed us, by his teaching and example, how to respond to the needs of our fellow man. He invited us to imitate His example and follow in His steps.
The Christian Church practiced philanthropy from the very beginning. The 7 elected deacons were appointed to carry out the philanthropy of the first Christian Community in Jerusalem. Every Orthodox Church around the world has a Philoptochos chapter to carry out its philanthropic work. St. Demetrios Church, in Seattle, in addition to the work of Philoptochos, just remodeled the adjacent house and named it “Philoxenia,” the hospitality home, for the families who come from other States or Countries to Fred Hutch Cancer Institute for therapy. It also has the “Philanthropia” house for the care of the elderly.
Each Christian is called to imitate Christ and assist his fellowman in his need according to his ability. Our Church, following the teaching and example of Christ, invites all of us to adopt the spiritual disciplines she offers us during this liturgical season to successfully live the upcoming great lent and successfully arrive at Easter.
With love, Fr. John