Join us in person for Liturgy or watch online on our Facebook page or Youtube
Upcoming Calendar Events
Saturday, March 8 - Third Saturday of Souls
9:00 am Orthros
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
6:00 pm Basketball Practice
Sunday, March 9 - Sunday of Orthodoxy and Procession of Icons
Click here to view the printed liturgy
8:45 am Orthros
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
11:30am Church School & Catechism
6:00 pm COCC Lenten Vespers and Fellowship at Annunciation Cathedral.
Monday, March 10
6:30 pm - 50th Anniversary Planning Team
Tuesday, March 11
11:00 am Morning Bible Study (CLICK HERE TO JOIN)
12:00 pm Nativity Senior Lunch
5:00 pm Youth Greek Classes (in person)
6:30 pm Adult Greek Classes (on Zoom)
7:00 pm Evening Bible Study (CLICK HERE TO JOIN)
Wednesday, March 12
6:00 pm Presanctified Liturgy, (POTLUCK) Meal and Lent talk
Thursday, March 13
5:00 pm Adult Greek Classes (on Zoom)
6:30 pm Great Compline
Friday, March 14
Pan Orthodox Basketball Tournament
7:00 pm Salutations to the Theotokos
7:00 pm AA Meeting in Social Hall
Saturday, March 14
Pan Orthodox Basketball Tournament
Sunday, March 16 - Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
Click here to view the printed liturgy
Pan Orthodox Basketball Tournament
8:45 am Orthros
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
11:30am Church School & Catechism
3:30 pm Baptism
6:00 pm COCC Lenten Vespers and Fellowship at St. Mark Orthodox Christian Church on Hamilin Rd. in Rochester.
Parish News and Updates
THIRD SATURDAY OF SOULS - SATURDAY, MARCH 8 - Orthros at 9 am and Divine liturgy at 10 am. Saturday of Souls is a day set aside for the commemoration of the dead within the liturgical year of the Eastern Orthodox churches. Saturday is a traditional day of prayer for the dead, because Christ lay dead in the Tomb on Saturday. Use the bulletin insert to prepare your list of names and bring kolyva to share after the service.
BRING YOUR ICONS TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY The Sunday of Orthodoxy icon procession is a celebration of the restoration of icons to Orthodox worship. It takes place on the first Sunday of Lent and involves carrying icons in a procession around the church.
COCC LENTEN VESPERS THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 9 at Annunciation Cathedral in Detroit. Services begin at 6 pm followed by refreshments and fellowship. Pick up a schedule on the table in the Narthex.
ANNIVERSARY PLANNING MEETING ON MONDAY, MARCH 10 - We are celebrating our church's 50th Anniversary this year with the Founders Dinner Dance on October 11, 2025. Thank you to Georgia Theophelis for stepping up and planning for our anniversary celebration. If you are interested in planning our year of celebration, please come to the meeting on Monday, March 10 or contact Georgia. Please consider coming and giving your input.
ANNIVERSARY TEAM SEEKING PHOTOS, ALBUMS & MEMORABILIA from the past 50 years of the people, events, etc. of our church. We will use thes items for display at the dinner/dance and/or commemorative book. Contact Georgia Theophelis for more information.
NATIVITY SENIOR LUNCH IS THIS TUESDAY All Nativity members age 50 or older are invited to come on the second Tuesday of the monthfor delicious food, fellowship & conversation. We hope to see you there.
Presanctified Liturgy, meal and Lenten Talk with Fr. Nick is Wednesday evening at 6 pm
Great Compline on Thursday at 6:30 pm
Salutations to the Theotokos is Friday at 7 pm.
BRING A POTLUCK DISH TO SHARE THIS WEDNESDAY March 12 - Due to upcoming renovations in the kitchen, we will be sharing a pot luck meal on Wednesday following presanctified liturgy. We will not have access to the kitchen - so bring your item ready to serve (or in a crock pot) so we can avoid using the kitchen.
BIBLE STUDY—Fr. Nick now offers two times for Bible Study. The morning session at 11 am focuses on the scripture readings for the day. The Tuesday evening session at 7 pm focuses on the Gospel of John. All are welcome to attend in person or via the zoom platform. We now have ONE ZOOM LINK for both bible studies: CLICK HERE TO JOIN BIBLE STUDY Meeting ID: 340 526 4067 Passcode: bible
CHOIR PRACTICE - the next choir practice is Saturday, March 23 at 4:00 pm. All are invited to come and sing and learn the liturgy for our Great Lent services.
NEW RHODIAN SOCIETY—On behalf of Zina Karadimas and several Rhodians in the Detroit Metro area, Christina Karadimas has created this society to honor her mother. An Icon has been donated to the society and there will be a service at Annunciation cathedral on March 23. See the Bulletin insert attached or the bulletin board in the hallway for details.
Save the Date
FESTIVAL FOOD PREP BEGINS THE WEEK OF MARCH 18, 2025 WITH DOLMATHES Many hands are needed to help roll Grape Leaves for our 2025 festival. Contact Louis Poulos if you have questions.
April 7-11 Galaktoboureko
May 5- 9 Pastitsio
May 19-23 Baklava
June 2-7 Tsourekia
June 23-27 Spinach & Cheese Pie
NATIVITY'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY GALA is set for October 11.
Those in Our Prayers
Nicholas the Bishop, John the Priest, John the Priest, Cassani the Presvytera, Kalliope the Presvytera, , Panayiotis Christodoulos, Mary Christopoulos, Constantin Dumitrescu, Kosta Efthimiou, Tracey Ford, Gregory Georvassilis, George Hrisoulis, Kathy Jenaras, Maria Kalas, Abraham Kalasse, Kanella Katsikas, Diane Kotsonas, Elias Koumariotis, Panayiota Koutoupa, Gus Kyriakou, Penelope Kyriakoula, Jim Lee, Nick Malamis, George Margaritis, Frank Maroudis, Freda Mollasis, Gregory Morakeas, Evelyn Morris, Alexander Nichoff, Niko Nikolakis, Marchela Papageorgakis, Stella Papasavva, James Pappas, Nikolia Pappas, Nicholas Pappas & Family, George Peters, Katerina Peters, Costas Photsios, Penny Poulos, Rick Stanley & Family, Evan Kotsonas Stoecklein, Mike and Julia Tate, Jim Tsakos, Evris and Helen Tsaprazis, Nicholas Valice, Steve Valice, Chris Vardouniotis, John Vardouniotis, Jim Vlahakis, Irene Vouharas, Sandy Zembylas, Selina Zembylas-Hernandez, Carrie, Little Jack, and Marie.
THE CHURCH IS HERE FOR YOU In times of need or times of celebration, there are a number of pastoral situations that warrant contacting Father Nick.
- Any Hospital Stay: Illness, Surgery, etc.
- Death - Call when a person is dying and at the actual time of death, regardless of the hour!
- Substance abuse involving you or a loved one.
- Domestic problems of any sort, Marital or children.
- When you desire spiritual direction.
- Birth of a child, (naming, and 40 day blessing).
- When you become engaged and are planning a wedding.